Half Marathon, 10k, 5k, Jedi Run
The Beermazing Race
Beer City Sacramento 5.4.2025
May The 4th Be With You! Join us in Old Town Sacramento for a beer running', Star Wars dressin' extravaganza. See the sights, run the trails, and drink the brews. Beer City is a full day on a full weekend. Drink local and dig it!

May the 4th Be With You!
Join us in Old Town Sacramento for a run across the bridge, out around Drake's Barn, across the Riverfront, and then back and out along the American River Bike Path. When you get home we will be there with the best beer in North America!
Beer City includes a half marathon, 10k, and 5k distances that show you parts of Sacramento you didn't know existed. The Jedi Run is a 1-mile walk around Old Sacramento. NEW in 2025 Pay It Forward Pace Team will be pacing the Half Marathon!
Note: Our location has changed because the event has gotten too BIG!

Use the Fest!
When you are done running or walking or whatever you're doing -- the post-race refreshment will introduce you to some of Sacramento's best brewers. What better place to DRINK LOCAL than Sacramento?
All runners receive a shirt, Key to Beer City finisher's medal, custom tasting glass, and unlimited tasting until noon.
We will also have a Star Wars costume contest (disrupted in 2024 by the elements). Prizes will be given at random.

Once the running and beer tasting are done, join us for SHINDIG at Drakes Barn. Shindig is new to 2025 and is a Beer City party with music, food, and games, including Race The Rex (keep reading). Tickets cover your first beer and are available at checkout when you register.
The Shindig is also Beer City HQ for other afternoon, fun challenges, like The Beermazing Race, which challenges you to visit 5 brewers between 1 pm and 5 pm to drink a pint and find the clues to your next taproom.
Shindig starts at 1 pm.

Race The Rex!
NEW for 2025, we are introducing Race the Rex, our special beer mile where you race others, and our T-Rex. If the T-Rex catches you, you're out of the race. Better move quickly! Race the Rex is presented by our friends at the Mendocino Running Festival and sponsored by Drakes Brewing Company.
Race the Rex takes place at Drakes Barn at 1:30 pm.